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Video Marketing for Physiotherapy at home

"How to maximize your Videos with Motion Graphics!"

If not here is the link

Next ..

I found myself really going hard at my Online business whilst locked down at home.

I started doing things I had been putting off, like getting to grips with Zapier, creating Video Ad ideas in an hour and testing them immediately .. plus tweaking my website.

I had to socially distance myself from too much News and also Netflix.

"Create don't consume!" is my motto right now. Go make Videos at home!

And .. people are still buying online .. just be cool about it and offer them something that really fits their radically changed life.


This week, I had someone on pitch me a Doodle style video. I didn't need one but I thought .. "Hang on a minute!"

If filming in locations with clients is now nearly impossible (due to the Virus) .. then you can offer Animated Videos instead.

Liaise with your client via Slack or Skype, make it at home. Get paid.

Doodleoze is a...

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Shelby Church Video Tips

Video Dashboard

This week I was sent Video Dashboard for a test drive

Video Dashboard is a Video creator with a twist. You can create Videos in different aspect ratios for the various platforms .. but the magic is that you can hook up all your accounts, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn even Tik Tok (11 in total).

You can have the app create the video (or import your own videos too) in multiple sizes (square,16:9, vertical etc) and publish (or schedule) them to all of your linked platforms in the correct format with a few clicks. There is a free Mobile app that syncs with the desktop app where you can view your TikTok / Instagram videos for publishing.

One cool feature is you get pre-made videos, so you can easily edit them and set them to publish every day via the 'Social Calendar' to your chosen network.

You can use this for servicing clients too.

I am still testing, but seriously, for less than $50 it's crazy good value and worth a spin!

I joined the Facebook...

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10 Local Video Ads that work!

So, Facebook Video Ads for Local Business is a HUGE opportunity right now, to find and win new customers, get existing customers to return time after time and beat out the competition in a targeted area. Plus .. you can get results on a lean budget!

(For Free download click the pic)

If you run your own Local Business or market Local Businesses you are about to discover the power of running targeted Video Ads in your locality!

Maybe you create Videos for Local Businesses, mastering Facebook Video Ads can add a profitable extra dimension to the services you offer and make you stand out.

Charles 'Chuck' Gallagher is a Local Marketing Expert (and a Video Hero training partner) who is getting amazing results with Facebook Video Ads for his Local clients and he is going to show you what's working right now.

First step .. go download this Free resource - 10 Facebook Video Ad strategies for Local Business that are flying!

Your download is here


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Using Motion Graphics with your Square Video Wrappers!


If you own Video Hero's Square Video Wrappers then you'll want to add the Motion Hero Pack if you haven't already!

See the Video above where I combine the Wrappers with Motion Graphics you get inside the pack .. you can easily add an extra layer of movement to catch your Viewers eye .. plus add an all important Call To Action.

Be clear .. what do you want your Viewer to do next?

Like, Comment, Click a Link, Share ... it's important to show them what to do NOT just say it. After all they may be watching mute.

Also emphasise what you are saying by showing it on screen.

The mantra is "Show what you say!" so it sticks in the mind.

Use the graphics to double up your message.

You get Lower Thirds, Buttons, Calls To Action, Text Boxes, Animations and a whole lot more inside the pack.

Go here to grab the Motion Hero Pack and get more results with your Videos!

You can use these Motion Graphics with ANY Videos you make whether square or not .. so for YouTube, Live Video, Facebook,...

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🎬 'Double Take' by Filmic

Here is a quick update of some things that have caught my Video eye recently!

'Double Take' by Filmic

I mentioned this App was coming during last years launch of the new iPhone models.

Now 'Double Take' has recently launched on the App Store and .. it's Free!

You can shoot on two cameras at the same time on your iPhone 11 / 11 Pro and save either as one single file (split screen or Picture in Picture) or save the files separately so you can cut between the two shots when you later edit your video!

Find out more here (plus there is a handy video tutorial)

New Video Mic NTG by Rode

Thanks to Video Hero Rob for pointing this out! A new versatile Microphone from Rode that does a lot.

(Note: I have not tested one)

You can not only use it mounted on your Smartphone or DSLR/Mirrorless (adaptor required for iPhone lightning port) or as a boom mic, but it also doubles up as a Podcast / Screencast mic as it works via USB too.

Ideal if you travel, shoot video, create tutorials or go live on...

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Shopping cart to Sell Videos & coaching?

I often get asked about the best tools for selling video courses, memberships and coaching.

As you probably know, I use an all-in-one platform called Kajabi that has an in built shopping cart.

But .. I know a lot of folks do not want an all-in-one and want to piece together the best tools into their own stack.

Well .. if I wasn't using Kajabi and was looking for a superior but low cost shopping cart .. I would without hesitation choose ThriveCart.

(nb. Even if you use Kajabi or Teachable or Thinkific & more .. you can still integrate with ThriveCart.)


I have used ThriveCart as a customer and as an affiliate promoting folks who sell their products via ThriveCart.

I also know my online colleagues are super happy with it too.

ThriveCart's feature set rocks:

  • One click upsells
  • Order bumps
  • Instant Affiliate payments
  • High converting templates including Video carts
  • Countdown timers
  • Automations
  • GDPR compliance
  • Tax calculations
  • Sell Physical products too
  • and much more!

It has more...

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Thumbnail Blaster is a total blast!

This week I noticed a lot of buzz around a thumbnail creator .. so I bought it for myself to give it a spin! 

It's a super low fee .. but, beyond the hype - is it any good?

The Sales Page is a little over the top .. with a typical 'Voiceover for hire' on the Sales Video.

BUT .. who cares? All I wanted to know .. does it work and is it useful to add to your Video toolkit?

The answer from testing it within the last hour .. is YES!

The one below was my first attempt :) (joke test)


Thumbnails are crucial to get your Videos watched .. wherever they may be .. it's not just on YouTube, you can use this tool for your Online Course and Sales Videos too.

I bought the FE (front end) offer .. just so you know ... there ARE a few reasonably priced upsells to a template club, agency rights and training so please do not get MAD at me because you have to click through several upsell pages! The pain is worth it!

I got over 100 templates in the front end for...

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Learn from a Mr.Beast Video (Editing tips)

Firstly, Happy Easter if you are celebrating ...

Today I was on the hunt for a gluten free, dairy free, sugar free Easter egg for myself!

Oh look ... I found one ... :)

So some quick tips:

Watch Videos out of your niche!

I've recently been watching a bunch of 'Mr. Beast' Videos on YouTube.

My kids don't get it .. Why would an old dude like me :) watch 20 year olds mess around and spend money like there is no tomorrow?

Did they forget I used to be a freelance MTV Director when I was younger? I love this style of video.

Even if you are an Accountant or a Funeral Director who uses video, you should always expand what you watch online to get fresh ideas.

I do admit, after a while all the fooling around in Mr. Beast videos can get tiring ... but the titles of his videos are very intriguing and the editing is very smart! Y

You can learn from his Videos even if they are not exactly your 'cup of tea'.

Take this Video 'I spent $50k on lottery tickets and won __'


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Video Hero, Yosemite & Brexit!

Time for a catch up ... and no that is not me pictured above!

First up .. Brexit

Last week I took the day off to head to Westminster, it was yet another huge voting day in the Brexit process plus there was a large pro-Brexit demo.

I must admit I have become addicted to flicking between news channels and social media observing every twist and turn. Got to stop that!

But I was NOT demonstrating! I wanted to witness with my own eyes (and camera) what was going on plus shoot some stock clips / stills of the 'circus' surrounding the vote.

What I love about running an online business via video is that whenever I want to take a day off and go into town to soak in the vibe I can!

After all, whatever your views - it is history in the making that will be studied in schools in years to come.

(This iPhoneX picture I took was accepted by the Stockimo/ Alamy photo library .. submitted via this app)

I do admire the calmness of the TV News Presenters who are set up near Parliament with folks...

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What I learned at VidCon London!

So from Friday to Sunday I went to the first VidCon London .. and it was also my first VidCon too.

I am still recovering!

In case you don't know what VidCon is .. in their words: "VidCon US, VidCon AU, and VidCon LDN are the world’s largest events for fans, creators, executives, and brands who are passionate about online video and building diverse communities."

Pictured below ... my fans waiting for my autograph and a selfie. (Ok that's a joke!)

There were 3 tracks .. Community (fans), Creator and Industry. I went for the Creator option since Industry seemed more focussed on big brands and also the tickets were way cheaper :) £145 vs around £700 (without early bird)

The speakers were a mix of experts .. I heard from Facebook & Instagram staff, creators and more.

Downside .. You had to choose between one of three simultaneous sessions .. a little tricky to decide.

Overall it was great .. What was lacking? .. not much reference to building an email list with...

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