ScreenFlow on steroids ...

So ... I recently ran a survey of folks who edit their Videos with ScreenFlow (for Mac Only.)

I found there is BIG interest in learning extra tricks and time saving ScreenFlow hacks PLUS how to Edit Video Ads and Promos that convert!

All my Videos are edited with ScreenFlow and the ROI has been huge!

So I held a Live 2 hour ScreenFlow Workshop all about creating Video Ads. The good news is you can now access the recording as a Bonus inside my course 'ScreenFlow Universe'.

>> Go watch my ScreenFlow Video

This is for folks who already edit with ScreenFlow at a beginner/ intermediate level.

You will learn in the first part some of my favorite ScreenFlow tricks and hacks, then you'll watch over my shoulder and learn how to create 3 styles of Video Ads that convert!

My Video Ads have been doing super well (selling to cold traffic daily) and I want to show you how to make Ads for your own niche.

This will suit you if you want to make your own Paid Ads or Promos to run on your social pages or website, or want to get paid by clients to create their Ads for them.

>> Go watch my ScreenFlow Video.

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