Thumbnail Blaster is a total blast!

This week I noticed a lot of buzz around a thumbnail creator .. so I bought it for myself to give it a spin! 👈

It's a super low fee .. but, beyond the hype - is it any good?

The Sales Page is a little over the top .. with a typical 'Voiceover for hire' on the Sales Video.

BUT .. who cares? All I wanted to know .. does it work and is it useful to add to your Video toolkit?

The answer from testing it within the last hour .. is YES!

The one below was my first attempt :) (joke test)


Thumbnails are crucial to get your Videos watched .. wherever they may be .. it's not just on YouTube, you can use this tool for your Online Course and Sales Videos too.

I bought the FE (front end) offer .. just so you know ... there ARE a few reasonably priced upsells to a template club, agency rights and training so please do not get MAD at me because you have to click through several upsell pages! The pain is worth it!

I got over 100 templates in the front end for a no-brainer fee and within minutes I had exported a thumbnail.

You can start with a template and customize to your hearts content, upload your own photos, then export the jpeg to your desktop (1280 x 720)

It's been working great and they have video tutorials inside each step.


You can also create a thumbnail from scratch and there are lots of included assets to make your own thumbnail unique. (Buttons, cutouts, banners, symbols etc)


But here is the clever part .. you can choose to link the software (it's cloud based) to your YouTube account (optional) - see your published Videos inside the software and change the thumbnails from within Thumbnail Blaster!

You can even layer the custom graphics over your existing Youtube thumbnail image then save it, to update directly inside YouTube.

Plus there is a split test feature (note: I have not tried this yet) that will rotate 2 thumbnails in YouTube and then settle on the one that gets the most Clickthroughs!

Go grab Thumbnail Blaster before the next price hike and before they decide to make it a subscription offer rather than a one-time! 👈


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