Make an Online Course with Video

One question I often get asked about Creating & Selling Big Hit Online Courses made with Video ...

"Jules - There are so many Video courses on a similar topic to mine out there - Why would someone choose to learn from ME?"

Let me help ..

When I decided to teach what I had learned about Online Courses (I have sold around 7,000!) .. I looked around and obviously there are many courses out there about Online Courses, several in the $997 - $1997 price range!

But when I looked at the folks who had created them I didn't feel that much affinity with them as a teacher.

I am going to paint a broad picture here ... since I respect all of them.

Let me paint a caricature instead:

1. The Business / Financial coach

They started with an Online Business already, they weren't short of cash and they don't make their own Videos but have a team. They latched onto the big NEED of people wanting to create an Online Course and they are brilliant at filling that need. They wear suits a lot :) and I wouldn't gravitate to them at a Social event.

2. The Digital Nomad

Younger than me, no kids, no ties, they roam the world and fund it with a Course about Courses. That's cool but then their expenses are super low and they have no mortgage :) That could have been me 25 years ago .. but now I am not sure they are on the same wavelength, it would be like my Kid teaching me and anyway I don't understand all that surf language :)

3. The Ex-model

Super good looking (and don't they know it!) and married to a wealthy spouse (could be male or female) their partner bankrolls the business and they WILL become an Authority figure come what may! They are great at networking and are brilliant at exuding confidence and getting speaking gigs - they DO know their topic but somehow they live in a different universe I can't relate to.

Ok I could go on ..

Now let me be clear .. all of these characters have valid skills and talents .. but the point is they do not appeal to all folks as teachers.

Then along comes me ...

4. The Ex-TV Pro Creative Parentpreneur

I wanted to get out of a 'paid by the invoice' hectic Freelance TV career and actually own my creative assets not make someone else rich. I was not a Marketer at the start, but knew I could learn .. and then apply my creativity to both Making and Selling Courses with VIDEO (after all we are talking about Video Courses). I wanted to see way more of my family and work from my laptop, but not travel the World (constantly) since my Kids were at school. I wanted to boost my income significantly without working night and day and was willing to take a HUGE risk launching an Online Business from scratch on a low budget with a mortgage to pay. Now, super keen to share my Online Video Course method with like minded folks. Oh, and I have a Brit accent :)

For sure, I do NOT appeal as a teacher to all folks!

But the world is BIG, so I DO appeal as a teacher to more folks than I could ever wish for!

It's the same for YOU!

What do YOU stand for .. Who do you represent? Your tribe is out there waiting for YOU to Create an Online Course so they can buy YOUR course!

They want YOUR course not someone else's.

So how to find them and creative a WINNING course from the start?

Well, I have been rolling out my Six Figure Courses training inside my membership (no need to fork out $997!).

>> All the New Membership detalls <<

Here's a snapshot inside Six Figure Video Courses ...

This week we dive into the Video Creation side of things (making the Course lessons) but you should start at the top and work your way through it step by step .. knowing I took all the risk by releasing it inside the membership at a super reasonable fee.

You also get:

  • 100% Fresh iPhone Video Training, hacks and apps (not the same as the previous course)
  • Motion Hero Club (perfect for training Videos and for Marketing your course - 20 new Graphics a month)
  • DSLR Video Hero (if you prefer to shoot on a DSLR)
  • Expert strategy
  • Monthly Music
  • Editing training
  • Private Group + more

>> All the New Membership detalls <<

Whoever you choose as your Mentor .. I wish you the best!

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