Live Video anxiety?

I pass on a lot of new products in the Video space .. too much hype and too many copycat Video Creators out there.

But I must say I am liking LiveReach (Take pre-recorded Videos and broadcast them 'As Live' on FB and YouTube)

Go watch my demo Video


I bought it a few days back .. and every time I have re-broadcast 'As Live' my email list has grown. A clear return on a small, one-time investment.

Live Videos grab attention in the feed! I was having dinner at the time :)

But to be clear I stated in the description the Video was 'Pre-recorded'. You can answer questions via comments as it goes out (without juggling 2 things at once) or pick them up later.

You can:

  • Pre-record a Live Broadcast using your Webcam / Screencasting software or Video Camera 📱 edit out the errors if you choose .. then schedule it to broadcast it 'As Live' and repeat whenever you want.
  • Re-broadcast 'As Live' a recording of a Live Webinar or Social Live you have previously held (download from FB /YT then re-broadcast 'as live')

I will still do Live Broadcasts (obvious benefits with interaction) but LiveReach helps leverage your content and time plus reduces Live Anxiety.

I made you an over the shoulder Video of LiveReach in action - Plus there is a Video Hero BONUS too!

Go watch my demo Video

Want to MASTER Video like a Hero? Then I suggest you ... 

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